How to File a Claim

Cargo and Transportation Claims
If you would like to file a claim, please complete a Notice of Loss Form and submit with any supporting documentation to our Transportation Claims team. Please make sure you put ALL carriers on notice of the claim you are submitting.
As a reminder, submitting a claim is not an admission of insurance coverage. The insurance company reserves any and all rights to fully investigate this claim. The insurance company may request additional documentation as needed.
OTI Bond Claims
If you need file a claim against an ocean freight forwarder (FF) or a non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC), please complete the claim form and submit along with the following documents:
- Service Agreement/Applicable Tariff
- Bill of Lading
- Delivery Receipt or Inland Bill of Lading
- Judgment
- Other documents (if available):
Credit Agreements, Collection Notices, - Evidence of Payment, Correspondence
to our Bond Claims team.
Property Broker & Domestic Freight Forwarder Claims
- invoice(s)
- rate confirmation sheet
- bill(s) of lading
TIA Claims
If the property broker or domestic surface freight forwarder has a bond through the TIA, please complete this claim form and submit to the TIA Claims team.
Non TIA Claims

Please note that under provisions set forth under 49 USC 13906, as amended by
Map-21, Division C, Sub Title I, Section 32918, the following have been implemented in the claims processing procedures:
- If claim is submitted without all documents, claimant has 10 days to submit remaining documents or claim will be closed/denied.
- If claim is valid and all pertinent documents are present, claim is forwarded to property broker allowing 30 days to submit payment or valid dispute in writing.
- If claim is valid and property broker is still viable and payment is not made, the surety can only issue payment if a judgment is obtained by the claimant.
- If property broker is not responsive, the surety will determine if principal is financially insolvent. If property broker is financially insolvent, the surety will need to publish notice of their insolvency for a period of sixty (60) days.
- After sixty days (60) of publication, payment must be made on all valid claim submissions within thirty (30) days.